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AI Crafted, fully loaded, all-in-one Real Estate Experience Coming Soon

Choosing a real estate customer relationship management can be a daunting task at times.

Being a very people-oriented industry that has long sales cycles and a large number of steps involved in the buying process, it is essential to keep your customers updated and informed at all times.

A CRM platform for real estate does exactly that. With the help of its features, a CRM platform allows real estate agents to use the platform effectively and determine a hot lead from a cold one, defining prospect buyers and how they can improve their sales process.

So, being a real estate agent, what should be your preferred CRM software? Let us understand how you can choose just the right CRM platform for your business.


Why Does Your Business Need a Real Estate CRM?

Any real estate business has a lot of components working in tandem with one another. However, the most important of them are relationships with the customers and regular, effective communication.

A real estate business can deploy a CRM platform and brief their teams about how to use it, to communicate effectively. This can help the entire organization stay in the loop with the ongoing sales processes, the completed sales and reaching out to the prospective buyers.


Here are some of the benefits of a Real Estate CRM platform:

  1. Giving timely reminders on following up and reaching out
  2. A clear and detailed view of customer interactions
  3. Allows you to track leads through different channels
  4. Makes the entire sales process smoother, transparent and more effective.
  5. Enables the team to prioritize the leads

Factors To Consider While Choosing a Real Estate CRM

Finally, let’s come down to narrowing down the factors that make or break any real estate CRM platform.

These factors can help you determine the best real estate CRM platform that can be suitable for your business. Let’s go through them one by one.

Real Estate CRM software

Levels of integration

A CRM platform’s best functionality is to ensure that you have all the things in the right place in front of you.

Bringing in a new CRM platform, and making your team adapt to an entirely new set of tools and resources is never a good idea and can hamper productivity. Hence, a phased manner of changes might do the job. This is where you can have integrations play a vital role.

A thumb rule for this should be to ensure that you can access most of your existing tools and resources from the CRM platform as well. Many CRM platforms also have a personalization option that can help you integrate the tools that your team often used.



CRM platforms usually have hefty prices attached to them.

It is important to ensure that your CRM platform organization offers price flexibility and functional flexibility too. While larger businesses might be able to afford most of the features, the smaller ones might not have the right budget to do so.

Hence, if you’re a real estate business that wants to save up some bucks while finding the perfect real estate CRM, go through the different plans that a company has to offer. Moreover, you can even start with a free CRM platform such as Hubspot, and get a hang of things.

This will allow you to encapsulate the features much more clearly, helping you to understand what you are paying for exactly.


Convenience & Ease of Utility

At the end of the day, it’s your team who will mostly be interacting with your onboarded CRM platform.

Ensuring that the platform you choose is convenient is key. Go for the CRM platform that comes with an easy to use user manual. Some of the prerequisites for a convenient and easy to use CRM platform are a clean and simple user interface, easy access across various devices, and finally integration of day to day tools.

For instance, a CRM platform that can be accessed from the mobile app, as well as the desktop, might be able to improve the response time of your team to the prospect leads.


Analysis & Reporting Functions

After your CRM is deployed and put to good use, it isn’t a job well done yet.

While your execution might be on point as per you, the dashboard on your CRM platform will give you a much clearer picture of the same. Most of the platforms have a dashboard that presents accurate data on the efforts being made by your sales and marketing team.

It will allow you to ascertain the return on your investment in the longer run. Analyzing your data, after executing your strategy is integral to proving the right utility of any CRM platform.

Real Estate CRM solution

Customer & After-Sales Support

While getting a CRM platform is the initial part of the entire process, it’s integral to ensure that you are aware of the after-sales processes too.

Most of the CRM platforms and software tend to have a customer support team in place. Before getting a platform on board, ensure the part that the organization tends to have a team on the back-end is capable enough.

A customer support team will allow you and your team to have consistent support, bringing in the required efficiency and jumping over the obstacles when facing one.


Conclusion: Choosing The Right Real Estate CRM For Your Business

When it comes to selecting a CRM platform for your business, all of it boils down to what your business needs.

Copying or deploying the same CRM platform that your competitor is using, might not be a prudent strategy. While the two of you might be in the same business, the internal processes and goals differ widely from one another. This brings in the need for a CRM platform that is customized as per what you need.

Apart from the required features, there are other aspects one needs to look into while finding the perfect real estate CRM for their business. Make sure you take into consideration all the factors we’ve mentioned above and some more. Conduct your research, talk to the representatives of the companies offering these services and ask around, before arriving at a conclusion.

RealE 360 is an end-to-end Real Estate CRM offering premium automation features. Connect with us today to see our app in action.

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