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How RealE 360 improves Business Performance

Real Estate business performance

Effective business performance management depends on effective customer relationship management. It is easier to increase the retention rate when your team establishes successful and excellent relationships with your consumers. The implementation of performance management systems is growing in the constantly evolving real estate industry. Integrating your business with real estate CRM software is the best way to find the inefficiencies in your processes and grow your business.

RealE 360 is a comprehensive real estate CRM equipped to assist your organization in all performance management-related processes.


Let us walk you through how RealE 360 helps real estate businesses streamline business performance management


Know Your Customers

RealE 360 bridges the gap between realtors and buyers/sellers. Its application to business performance management has countless potential results. The robust CRM helps you visualize your customer journey and provides insightful customer analytics. As a result, salespeople find it simple to engage with leads and improve the conversion rate.

Customer segmentation is a crucial business KPI every real estate business needs to measure. Salespeople can develop a greater understanding of their customers with the use of RealE 360 software, as well as the KPIs used to segment them. It enables them to concentrate more on leads with higher conversion rates.


Automated & Streamlined Operations

Only after you can assess your present performance will you be able to spot the shortcomings in your current system. Businesses generally use charts and dashboards to monitor their performance against KPIs and take action to enhance their operations. You can boost your business operations when paired with faster decision-making processes. RealE 360 system offers users both of these facilities by delivering cutting-edge solutions in these crucial areas.

Adopting RealE 360 significantly cuts down the time employees spend on monotonous tasks and instead motivates them to produce greater results.

The all-in-one CRM relieves the burden of laborious data mining. It combines every customer touch point, all marketing channels, and campaign performance. With these statistics at your fingertips, you can identify where the expenses can be reduced and how your resources are best used.

Top Real Estate CRM software

Enhance customer satisfaction

A successful real estate firm depends on satisfied customers. Customer service, the driving factor of customer satisfaction, can be developed using a RealE 360 system. Curious as to how? The RealE 360 platform is an all-inclusive package that tracks leads as soon as they enter your system. 

 By tracking, the salesperson corresponding with the lead can record each communication and assure prompt delivery of solutions. When a salesperson is unavailable to meet a customer or lead needs, any other salesperson can easily take up the work. Thus, you can improve client satisfaction.


Track Employee Performance

With RealE 360, employee turnover is more effective since employees spend less time on manual tasks. As a result, agents spend more time engaging with leads and less time supervising tasks. 

RealE 360 Software gives sales managers the ability to monitor the real-time performance of their staff members, beginning as soon as a lead is assigned to them and continuing as they go up the sales funnel. 

Read more: Grow with RealE 360: An advanced automation solution built on Salesforce

Improved data security

In today’s technologically advanced world, security is a top concern for companies trying to transfer their business activities online. Customers’ trust in a business is strengthened by a secure CRM system, which boosts business productivity.

RealE 360 is built on the world’s #1 CRM. Every layer of the Salesforce Platform has security built-in. Salesforce is the most secure platform available in the cloud, making it the safest place to keep data.



Along with the above-listed characteristics, RealE 360 plays additional roles in enhancing business success. This extensive cloud solution has advanced capabilities and cutting-edge features.

With RealE 360 at the forefront, you will be able to increase your company’s performance by opening doors to countless prospects and possibilities. Connect with us today to manage all of your company’s operations in a single system and grow your business by identifying the best performance measures.

About Us

RealE 360 is a comprehensive automation solution built on the world’s #1 CRM platform ‘Salesforce’ will help modern-day realtors, real estate agents, brokerage firms spend less time on intricate processes and more time growing business portfolios.

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